At St. Matthew's church we have an expectant faith to see people healed through the supernatural power of God and as such, our Healing Room provides a place for that. We can pray for any kinds of physical injury, disease or mental health issues.

We run every Thursday during term-time and have a wonderful team of people who offer refreshments either before or after your appointment in a relaxed environment held in the Reception Area of our church. When it is your appointment time the Prayer Team will invite you to the Prayer Room for 15 minutes of prayer.

We would love to meet you and pray with you for your healing. Generally, two people will be praying for you in a safe and confidential room just next to where we serve refreshments (or online via zoom).

All you need to do is sign up via a date below and you will then receive an email confirmation which will contain additional information. Or you can email

You also have the option of simply dropping in on a session between the opening times where, if available, members of our prayer team will be able to pray for you in the café area or in church if the prayer room is not available due to an online booked appointment. 

We would love to hear how you have been since your visit especially if you have a testimony of how God moved in your life whether it be that you experienced more peace or a 10% reduction in your symptoms. We want to celebrate with you and share your testimony of God’s goodness with your permission. No names or personal details will be shared but your healing story can encourage others to trust in God for healings and miracles. Please take a moment to fill in the from below, or alternatively you can email us.