Sunday is a great opportunity for us to join together as a whole church family to worship God. Join us at 11am for our morning service. After the welcome our Youth & Children head over to the vicarage for faith building fun. After the service we have refreshments in our hall, please join us and enjoy a conversation with people in the Church family.
The best way to get connected in church is to join a ‘Life Group’. These fellowship groups are the heart of the Church community and are key to supporting and encouraging one another in our pursuit of God. To find out more or join a group, email our Life Group Coordinators.
Serving is a great way to get to know each other and love our church. We encourage everyone to get involved, whether helping with refreshments, arranging flowers, worship, prayer or welcoming. Email our Connect team for more information.
Why not join our apprenticeship? scroll down for more information.

We host various events outside of our normal weekly schedule and we would love you to join us. Click on an image to find out more. scroll down to find out about more events.
Every week we run events designed to bless our local community, we would love to welcome you along. Click a link below for more information or you can scroll down the calendar.